ponedeljek, 28. januar 2013

Scan&build your model: Lord of the Rings "Warriors of Minias Tirith"

"How to build and paint Warriors of Minias Tirith"


This article is designed as a practical guide How to build and paint figurines. In this example how to make figurines Warriors of Minas Tirith, Lord of the Rings.

We need: Cutting mat, Plastic cutters, Hobby knife, Paintbrushes, Citadel Collors, Plastic Glue, Primer (Chaos Black),...

It is recommended to wash parts. (with glass cleaner, water and dry it).


STEP No.1:  Assembling plastic miniatures.
Models must be removed from their fraimes prior to assembly.

For remove components rom the frame, use a pair o Plastic Cutters to snip them off. Take care when you do this not to accidently gouge te component. It is better to leave a little more of the gate on the piece you are cutting away an clean this up with a Hobby knife later.


Odstranite ostanke okvirja (plastike) z Olfa nožkom.

Remove small scars with hobby knife.

When you remove a piece from the frame it will probably have faint lines on it. Gently drag along these to scrape away the excess plastic.

When  you are assembling models many of parts you will be gluing together.

Our figurines are ready for the next step...

STEP No.2 Undercoating miniatures
This process, knowns as undercoating provides a smooth even surface for you to paint onto. Chaos black spray is easy to use. You can see in the picture spray box. You can use cardboard box with a side removed.
We used double sided sticky tape to protect against damage

  Your spray will give te best performance if it is held upright. 
STEP No.3  Colors and brushes

Wash your bruses regulary,, during use and between colours by swirling te brush around in a pot o water. Keep them clean, never leave brushes in a water pot with bristles toucing the bottom.
Use only cool or cold water.

Base colours have higher concentration o pigments. This gives them them superb coverage over primer.
Citadel shades are formulated to flow over paints into the recesses on your miniatures. They are very easy to use. Great for painting: clothes, armour, fur and hair.
- DRY:
Drybrusing si one of the first painting techniques taat many paintrs learn. Do not water them down before use.
Layering is all about creating realistic effect. Are easy to move smoothly rom one colour to next one. It makes your model more realistic.

In the picture above you can see what we need for painting: a working basis, tools (paints and brushes), a glass of water (CITADEL Colors are water- based) and paper towels.

STEP No.3 Painting armour and shield

 - I. basecoat BASE "Leadbelcer"

- II wash SHADE "Nuln oil"

- III. layer  "Ironbreaker"


STEP No.4 Painting clothes
- I. layer  "Eshin grey"


- II. layer  "Dawnstone"


STEP No.4 Painting armour

- I. layer and second layour  "Balthasar gold in Auric armour gold"


STEP No.5 Painting"hair and face"

- I. layer and II. layer  "Dryad bark and Skrag Brown"


- I. layer  BASE "Bugman's glow"

- II. layer  SHADE "Reikland fleshsade"

- II. layer  "Kislev flesh"

STEP No.6 Making details"bowstring and arrow for bow"
To create the bowstring we used wire, pasted with glue and added arrow (made from plastic).

Our army is ready for battle

How we made base you can see: LINK

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QR Svet v malem

QR Svet v malem
Scan and build your model


1. in 2. 6. 2013

Po šestih uspešnih razstavah vam z veseljem sporočamo, da bo FESTIVAL SVM 2013 v soboto in nedeljo (1.6 in 2.6.2013) v Kranju. Razstava plastičnih maket, miniaturne železnice, razstava LEGO, WARHAMMER igre, leseni modeli... Vabljeni!

Maketarski krožek 2012/2013

- O.Š. Simona Jenka ob 15.00 do 16.30 v Tehnični učilnici
- O.Š. Naklo ob 17.00 do 18.30 v Tehnični učilnici
- OŠ Vižmarje-Brod od 17.00 do 18.30 v Tehniki
- O.Š. Šenčur ob 15.00 do 16.30 v Tehnični učilnici
- O.Š. Davorina Jenka Cerklje od 17.00 do 18.30 v Tehniki
- O.Š. jakoba Aljaža ob 15.00 do 16.30 v Tehnični učilnici
-O.Š. Matije Čopa ob 16.00 do 17.30 v Likovni učilnici
- O.Š. Franceta Prešerna ob 15.00 do 16.30 v Teniki
- O.Š. Stražišče ob 17.00 do 18.30 v Tehnični učilnici

*Krožki se izvajajo enkrat na teden po 2 šolski uri (90 minut)

Plastično maketarstvo

Plastično maketarstvo je sestavljanje, izdelovanje in barvanje plastičnih delčkov v celoto, pri čemer izdelovalec maket v podanem merilu stremi k čim boljšemu kopiranju pravega predmeta. Pri mladih tovrstna dejavnost vzpodbuja natančnost, preciznost in zavzetost, ki slehernemu posamezniku koristi v vsakdanjem življenju. Že vrsto let na območju Gorenjske in Ljubljanske regije na desetih osnovnih šolah vodimo najštevilčnejši maketarski krožek v Sloveniji


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Društvo za vzpodbujanje kreativnosti Svet v malem je prostovoljno, samostojno, nepridobitno združenje, ki združuje:

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